We are bookshop and a publisher.
We sell books and we publish books ourselves. Why do we do this? Because we like to break the rules and no one can stop us.
Contracts and Rights
We provide each artist with a publishing contract that stipulates advances, royalties and rights. We buy First North American serial rights in the English language. Each artist is paid a $50 advance and most books are given an initial print-run of up to 25 copies. We will re-stock books if your initial print-run sells out.
While we can't guarantee royalties because they depend on books sales, to date, every author we have published has earned royalties.
Design and Cover
Artists are involved in the title and cover selection of their work. For ease of printing and design, chapbooks and novellas are a standard 5.5 x 8.5 format. Chapbooks must fit a minimum of 28 pages including front and back material (dedication, title page, about the author and acknowledgements).
Books are distributed globally through Ingram and our website which ships direct to booksellers in Canada and the UK. We will distribute to local booksellers, libraries, and even vending machines.
Wholesale orders for booksellers
If you are a bookseller and want to stock our books, we offer a trade discount of 55%. Please contact us for bulk orders and returns policy. You can reach us on our contact form, which we reply to very quickly. We maintain a stock of books that ship from either Calgary, Canada or Edinburgh, Scotland. Books are also available for wholesale purchase through Ingram.
Our head office is located at:
Suite 300, 4838 Richard Road SW
Calgary, AB T3E 6L1
Our Story
In 2020, Lexie Angelo founded Radical Bookshop and Press with a mission to publish short stories, pay writers for their work, and contribute to the careers of both early and established writers. When one of her own stories was published by a reputable publisher, only to come out looking unprofessional, cheap and sloppy, she decided she could do better. Her background in advertising and PR came in useful, as she designed a website, built an e-commerce store, and launched the first eight books through a festival partnership with Chinook Blast and the Calgary Public Library. The launch was so successful, she ran out of books after two days.
While many publishers pursue novels, Radical Bookshop and Press focuses on short stories in a chapbook format. We work with writers to create cover designs they can be proud of, and partner with local writing organizations and booksellers for readings and live events. To date, the press has published fifteen titles, sold over 500 books, and distributed royalties to every author.