
Upcoming Events

Summer Book Launch (Zoom Event)
Tuesday, July 9 
7:00 PM (Mountain Time)
Readings by Jay Chesters, Lareina Abbott and Cindy Webb Morris

Get your tickets and join us online for a fabulous event. 


Past Events

Book Launch
May 27, 2023
Josef Schabell, Seth Rasporich, Audrey J. Whitson

Alexandra Writer's Centre Society, Treehouse

Small Business Week Awards Gala
, Calgary, Canada
Friday, October 22 at 6 PM

Finalist for the Helcim Emerging Growth Award. The award is presented to the new emerging small business that has shown rapid growth and profitability in its first 1-3 years of operations and shows the potential for future growth and commercial success.

Society of Young Publishers Conference,
Edinburgh, Scotland
Friday, March 26 - Saturday, March 27

Chinook Blast Book Launch, Calgary, Canada
Saturday, February 27 at 2:30 PM MST